Biconomy delivers a great developer experience through modular and composable APIs, automatic type safety and inference, and comprehensive documentation.
Biconomy's useAA supports the most popular and commonly-used Account Abstraction features out of the box with more than 10 React Hooks for transaction sponsorship, batching, session management, gas estimations, and more.
If you need lower-level control, you can always drop down to our core SDK, which useAA uses internally to perform AA operations.
📄️ BiconomyProvider
@biconomy/use-aa • Provider
📄️ useBatchSession
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook
📄️ useCreateBatchSession
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook
📄️ useCreateSession
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook
📄️ useCreateSessionWithDistributedKey
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook
📄️ useDeploySmartAccount
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook
📄️ useGasEstimate
@biconomy/use-aa • Hook