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Version: SDK V4 (latest)

Create a session


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This tutorial demonstrates how a dapp can create a simple session using viem and the Biconomy Smart Account with the @biconomy/account SDK. The provided code assumes you have a Biconomy Paymaster API key and a connected user. The following is appropriately viewed from the perspective of a dapp, looking to make txs on a users behalf.

You can get your Biconomy Paymaster API key from the dashboard here.


  • Biconomy Paymaster API key [If you are using paymaster rules in the dashboard, make sure you have whitelisted session Module contract 0x000002fbffedd9b33f4e7156f2de8d48945e7489]
  • A Bundler url if you don't want to use the testnet one, for Amoy you can use
  • A user with a connected signer (viem WalletClient or ethers.Wallet for example)

Distributed Session Keys

The Delegated Authorisation Network (DAN) is Biconomy’s blockchain-agnostic programmable signing infrastructure, which leverages the economic security of the Eigenlayer AVS. It is designed to enhance the security, customizability, and speed of managing authorization keys for smart accounts, Offering developers a comprehensive, zero-development, zero-custody sessions solution, which can be leveraged directly from your frontend Read more about Distributed Keys here


You can save your private keys on DAN by setting the storeSessionKeyInDAN to true while calling createSession()

Step 1: Create the SmartAccountClient for the user

import { polygonAmoy as chain } from "viem/chains";
import {
} from "@biconomy/account";

const nftAddress = "0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e";
const withSponsorship = {
paymasterServiceData: { mode: PaymasterMode.SPONSORED },

// Create Biconomy Smart Account instance
const usersSmartAccount = await createSmartAccountClient({
signer: usersWalletClient, // assumes that a user has connected his walletClient (or an ethers Wallet) to your dapp
biconomyPaymasterApiKey: config.biconomyPaymasterApiKey,
bundlerUrl: config.bundlerUrl,
const smartAccountAddress = await usersSmartAccount.getAccountAddress();

Step 2: Create the Policy

Next we need to generate a policy that we can use to request permission (granted via a users signature). The policy is comprised of a list of rules applied to a single contract method, along with an interval over which the session remains valid.

const rules: Rule[] = [
/** The index of the param from the selected contract function upon which the condition will be applied */
offset: 0,
* Conditions:
* 0 - Equal
* 1 - Less than or equal
* 2 - Less than
* 3 - Greater than or equal
* 4 - Greater than
* 5 - Not equal
condition: 0,
/** The value to compare against */
referenceValue: smartAccountAddress,

/** The policy is made up of a list of rules applied to the contract method with and interval */
const policy: PolicyLeaf[] = [
/** The address of the sessionKey upon which the policy is to be imparted. Can be omitted */
/** The address of the contract to be included in the policy */
contractAddress: nftAddress,
/** The specific function selector from the contract to be included in the policy */
functionSelector: "safeMint(address)",
/** The list of rules which make up the policy */
/** The time interval within which the session is valid. Setting both to 0 will keep a session alive indefinitely */
interval: {
validUntil: 0,
validAfter: 0,
/** The maximum value that can be transferred in a single transaction */
valueLimit: 0n,

Step 3: Request Permission from the user with the policy

The session keys are imbibed with the relevant permissions when the user signs over the policy. The session can then be accessed from the sessionStorageClient and later used, even after the usersSmartAccount signer has left the dapp.

const { wait, session } = await createSession(
true // if using a distributed key with DAN

const {
receipt: { transactionHash },
} = await wait();

Send the transaction using the Biconomy Smart Account and get the transaction hash. The transaction will be built into a User Operation and then send to the Bundler.

That's it! You've successfully requested permissions from your user, and stored session keys which can later be used to make txs on their behalf.